Wild Fish for Lent Event Begins on Saturday 2/22!

3 Guiding Principles

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

January 21, 2020

Three core principles of why we do what we do. These principles help us make balanced, holistic decisions.

1 Spiritual / Social

Bringing glory to God and loving him, by serving and having good relationships with our fellow man.

2 Ecological / Environmental

Being a good Steward of the soil, plants, and livestock that God has given us to care for.

3 Economical / Financial

Being faithful and wise with the financial resources God has entrusted us with.

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Delighted Pigs on Pasture!

Watch the video and see how much the pigs enjoy being on pasture and eating things like dandelions. You can also read the the article from one of my mentors Joel Salatin.