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A Time for Rest

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

April 15, 2021

In this picture the sheep are enjoying the clover that they got to graze on last fall and winter.

It may seem a bit ironic, or maybe life is wired this way from the start, but when we rest the land, we gain far greater yields later than if we were to consistently graze the land day in, day out. That’s why rotational grazing is such a key part of regenerative farming. This practice keeps the land from wearing down and gives it a chance to renew.

Here's a picture of the same cloverfields left to rest after the sheep and cattle had grazed them.

The same practice and thought can be applied to our lives too. When we take the time to get solid rest on a regular basis, we too can be far more productive than when we burn the candle at both ends, day in, day out. Of course, that can lead to burn out which never yields productivity or regeneration.

Even the Lord instructs us to take time off and rest.

Matthew 11:28-29

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

During the coming months, I hope you can or have already been able to build into your schedule an important routine to give your body the rest you need to stay healthy, productive and living at peace with God. Regenerative, renewable energy that God gives our bodies is also a precious resource not to be taken for granted.

Regenerative Farming

rotational grazing

Ohio farming

regenerative agriculture


healthy soil

renewable energy

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