Wild Fish for Lent Event Begins on Saturday 2/22!

Are you informed of where your food really comes from?

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

July 9, 2019

I was riding with a friend of mine one afternoon, who is a registered nurse.

As we drove past some putrid smelling factory farms he was commenting on how nasty they are and how they have some bad farming practices.

So we had a conversation about how where we spend money on food has a direct influence on farming practices. Stop and think about it. Doesn't almost all of our food originate from things grown in the soil? I find it amazing to learn about the all the little living organisms in it. They are alive! And need to be fed, kept cool, and moist to be healthy. The organisms feed the grass and keep it healthy. The grass then feeds livestock keeping them healthy.

And of course you are what you eat so, a healthy diversity of livestock (cows, pigs, sheep, chicken, and turkeys) means healthy food for you! By grazing the animals the way God intended them to be, they trample the grass flat on the ground and feed the biology with their manure.

Which helps protect the soil and keep it healthy.

 It all comes down to the soil which feeds us and keeps us and our families healthy for generations to come!

It all comes down to the soil which feeds us and keeps us and our families healthy for generations to come! 

Each animal does its special part in helping with Regenerative Farming! And pigs are pretty amazing at this job.

Today is the day to vote with your food dollars and purchase from the 2023 Pork Harvest Sale. If you've already purchased, thank you so much for supporting clean, local, humanely-raised food!!! If you have not, then you should Click Here to Order Clean and Delicious Pork Now!

A big thank you to you our now informed customer!

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Delighted Pigs on Pasture!

Watch the video and see how much the pigs enjoy being on pasture and eating things like dandelions. You can also read the the article from one of my mentors Joel Salatin.