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Filbrun Family's Simple Roast Recipe for Pastured Turkey

written by

Mary Filbrun

posted on

November 12, 2022

Above is my friend Charlotte Smith showing you how to brine a turkey.

Our families 5 Easy Steps to Prepare Your Turkey is listed here below.

Step 1: Take your Freshly Frozen Turkey out of the Maker's Meadow Box

Step 2: Thaw Turkey in the Fridge: Allow 1 day per every 5 lbs of turkey (a 20 pound turkey needs 4 days to thaw in the refrigerator)

Step 3: Some people Brine but you don't have to... our recipe below does not call for it.

Step 4: Make sure your turkey is done: 180 degrees Fahrenheit in the breast and 170 degrees Fahrenheit in the thigh

Step 5: A roasted turkey that is done should cut with ease.

Our Filbrun Family's "Simply Roasted" Turkey Recipe 


1 Meadow Raised Turkey 

1 Tablespoon of rosemary 

1 Tablespoon of salt 

Preheat the oven to 450 Fahrenheit ( As you prepare the turkey, don’t forget to remove the bag of giblets from the windpipe area. If you don’t, it will cause a disaster)

Place the turkey in a large baking dish, generously cover the outside of the turkey with salt and then rosemary.

Place your turkey in the oven for 30 minutes at 450 Fahrenheit.

After 30 minutes, turn the oven down to 325 Fahrenheit for the remaining time. See Chart Below for Details.

By reducing oven temperature, the crispy skin seals the meat and "steam cooks" in the juicy flavors. 

Serve and enjoy!! 

Chart for Roasting Turkey

12-14 Pound Turkey: 1. Cook at 450 F for 30 min 2. Cook at 325 F for 2 to 2 1/2 hours

15-16 Pound Turkey: 1. Cook at 450 F for 30 min 2. Cook at 325 F for 3 to 3 1/2 hours

17-18 Pound Turkey: 1. Cook at 450 F for 30 min 2.Cook at 325 F for 4 to 4 1/2 hours

When you think it's about done, you can check the temperature. The breast should be 180 and the thigh should be 170 Fahrenheit. 


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