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Get to Know Your Farmer - The Maker's Meadow

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

May 13, 2021

I’m JOHN The lead farmer here at The Maker’s Meadow. You’ll hear from me on Saturdays when I share in our weekly emails what’s going on at the farm. In addition to daily life on the farm, I also run a fencing business. Throughout the year, I purchase calves, sheep, pigs, chicks, and pullets (young turkeys). At the end of their life cycle, I schedule and deliver the animals to the processor and keep close tabs on our inventory. I also help plan our special promotions, write blogs and fill our bundle boxes. In between all that, I continue to study and learn as much as I can about regenerative agriculture. I feel so humbled and honored that God has given me this opportunity to raise animals in a healthy, kind, natural way just as God designed so that ultimately you and your family can benefit. Our mission is to glorify God by helping busy, informed consumers gain access to safe and ethical foods they can eat with confidence. Thank you for investing in The Maker’s Meadow. I look forward to getting to know you.

REBECCA is my mom and one of the hardest-working people I know (especially with 8 children to raise!) She is Head Chef, Recipe Advisor and extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and the use of natural herbs. My Mom has never met a stranger. In fact, she has become friends with many of our long-standing customers. If you come to our Farm Day, my Mom will likely lead a cooking session. Look for her great cooking tips in our emails. Mom is one of our best customers and makes a fabulous bone broth!

ANNA is the youngest of my four sisters. The animals love her - can you tell? I appreciate her heart and willingness to serve with a smile any time I'm in a pitch! No matter the season, she moves our animals to a new part of the meadow. She works with electrical fencing, provides our animals with water, gives them organic minerals and rolls out bales of organically-grown hay during the winter to feed the herds. Anna also makes the homemade bread we sell and is a talented photographer. You’ll see her beautiful photos featured in our emails and on social media. Here are some of the creative photos Anna has captured:

MARY is the second to oldest sister. For years, each week she would dons on her winter coat and head into our walk-in freezer to bag and box your orders. Then she would drive all over the Greater Dayton region to deliver orders to your door. ( Now with shipping My friend Tanner helps pack your orders each week) She is a talented artist who often designs our promotional event logos and also takes beautiful pictures. Mary is honest, hard-working, detailed and loves to travel. 

Here is an example of Mary’s artwork:

RHODA is the second to youngest sister. She loves children, animals, and riding her horse Sirocco. Rhoda loves children so much she volunteered in Liberia (West Africa) with a children’s ministry for several months. When at home, she takes care of the animals -- which she says feels more like a hobby than a job. I appreciate her dedication and joyful spirit.

BETH is the oldest sister. She makes natural soap with herbs and fresh cow’s cream from her own jersey cow. Right now she’s working in a local greenhouse. She is an encouragement to many people and an amazing artist who helps to draw some of our promotional event logos. Beth makes the best herbal tea that we share with you on Farm Day! 

Here is an example of Beth’s artwork:

BERNARD and JAY are my young brothers who like to be my little helpers around the farm. They love the animals, running barefoot, tasting all the good meals my mom makes, and petting the baby chicks. They truly enjoy soaking up the joys of childhood on our quaint farm.

Last but not least, my younger brother DAVID and my Dad (WENDELL) played a key role in helping to get the farm started several years ago. I always wanted to be a farmer like my Dad when I was young. He really encouraged and directed me to go into regenerative farming and especially rotational grazing. David invested a huge amount of sweat equity into the mundane everyday farm activities over the past years. They now mainly work outside the farm.

West Alexandria, OH

Ohio grass-fed farm

ohio regenerative agriculture

The Makers' Meadow

nutrient dense grass fed meat

Ohio grassfed farm

grassfed meat in Ohio

More from the blog

Delighted Pigs on Pasture!

Watch the video and see how much the pigs enjoy being on pasture and eating things like dandelions. You can also read the the article from one of my mentors Joel Salatin.