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The Beauty Of Working With Nature!

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

October 8, 2019

 Hello Friend-

We all like to be in control but I'm slowly learning that it's so much better when I can be purposeful and intentional while going along with the way God made things to naturally flow.

I see how that works so clearly with the livestock. We can fight the weeds and fight the weather and all the other things that we don't care for, but things seem to go so much better whenever I can let go of what I think is perfectly ideal and be okay with a few weeds or a little mud.

I think it's all a part of learning contentment and to stop and take time to enjoy things just the way God made them-- like a beautiful sunset, happy sheep bouncing around with joy, cattle munching away at the grass, or watching the birds take flight!
Watch the video below and enjoy a little bit of it yourself!

So much of it is my perspective of how I view the world.

Am I going to focus on the things I can't completely control and be frustrated about them? Or embrace the chaos? For instance, I think I've got to control those weeds, but actually those weeds are pulling up nutrients from deep down in soil that the animals need to thrive on!

I am going to choose to be thankful for where I can make an impact.

I am so thankful for you and for the opportunity to move the livestock every day to help the grass and animals be as healthy as possible.

With much appreciation to our Great Maker!

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