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Update and Fun Ways To Help Others.

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

March 25, 2020

Here on the farm we are well and healthy. We are doing our best to carry on with daily activities such as fixing fence and other farm duties. We’ve been packing and delivering a lot of meat orders and enjoy answering emails and phone calls so you can get what you need.

I can only imagine how the coronavirus epidemic is affecting some of you as we deal with the restrictions and not being able to go to work.

 It is neat to see how so many of you are reaching out to help others through this hard time.

Are you like me and find it is necessary to keep my mind focused on good things so I don't become fearful about the world's problems and how it may affect me?

Right before I made the video above, our neighbors came by pulling a little cart and picking up trash along the road. I thought that was pretty neat how they were using their time stuck at home to do something very useful for the community.

That inspired me to share a few thoughts on ways we can engage and be focused on helping other people.

1. Find a neighbor that might need some help with some outdoor yard chores. It would be a fun way to interact in a safer way by being outside.

I have enjoyed helping my aunt with her garden. Also, helping my grandpa work on a repair project he had.

2. Give someone a phone call just to chat and see how they're doing.

I had a fun opportunity to call and chat with an older gentleman I know in the nursing home. I think it really cheered him up just to get a phone call and have someone to talk with since they are isolated there.

3. Take a little time to Click Here and write a Google review about your experience with The Maker’s Meadow. This will really help other folks who are searching for a good source of healthy food.

We still have a good Supply of meat to deliver to folks in need, especially things like..

Ground Turkey, Turkey Drumsticks, and Turkey Wings.

Lamb Shoulder Roast, Lamb Rib Roast, and Leg of Lamb.

Beef Chuck Roast, Beef Arm Roast, and Beef Rump Roast.

Wishing you peace joy and love as we share in the name of Jesus.

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Watch the video and see how much the pigs enjoy being on pasture and eating things like dandelions. You can also read the the article from one of my mentors Joel Salatin.