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💪 What can you learn from a broken arm?

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

January 15, 2022

Good morning friend!

You know sometimes God has completely different plans than what we have.

So I wanted to share an overview/update of the past couple months.

As I had mentioned back in the fall, I was planning to leave for a nine-month sabbatical. 

On November 29th, I fell and broke my arm.

This was two days before my scheduled departure date of December 1st.

Here's how it happened... I was working above our large walk-in freezer trying to install some insulation up near the 16 ft high ceiling. The ladder did not have the best rubber on its feet and the bottom began to slide rather quickly on the slick concrete out away from the wall.

Before I knew what happened, I had reached my hand out to catch myself and smashed the palm of my hand into the concrete floor, winding up with a distal radius compression fracture.

The main bone in my arm closest to my body got compressed and somewhat fractured right on the end where it connects to my wrist.

So my plans to go away got canceled.

I still had one good arm I could work with :-) so I went to work putting in a water line that I'd wanted to do for years.

We did not have a water system that worked well in frigid weather and I had an idea to fix that problem but had never had a chance to do it.

At first, I thought I could use this ripper to knife the water line into the ground, but as you can see, all 6,000 lbs of this Bobcat's weight still would not make it go down in the ground. Plus we could hardly pull it with the excavator in the mud.

So I rented a Kubota skid loader with a trencher and went to work trenching and installing water line plus two new energy-free cattle waters!

Now the new cattle and sheep waters will make it a lot less stressful for the animals in the winter because they will not have to walk as far to get to fresh water. 

Right here is where you get the benefit of Happy cows and sheep with lower stress...

Because the less stress the animals have, the more tender their meat is. And there is plenty of this great meat available for you to order for your family! 

Order your wholesome meat today!

Click Here to Watch Video:

In hindsight, it may have not been the wisest thing to try to do all that with a broken arm, but I'm so glad to have it done now and learn some good lessons through it.

And I did try to keep it clean:-)!

I. Lesson #1

Big projects take a lot of time and energy and may be a lot more time than what I first thought.

II. Lesson #2

I am a lot more proud and self-sufficient than I ever realized thinking that I can do almost anything. But when I have a broken arm, I'm trying to get my little brothers to run a shovel that they can hardly even get to go in the dirt. I realized what a weak and needy creature I really am without God's strength working in me.

III. Lesson #3

Hard things are worth pushing through because the results on the other side are so rewarding.

So back to my arm.

On December 15th they did surgery at the Greater Dayton Surgery Center and put a permanent small plate with nine screws on the bottom side of my arm just behind my wrist.

Now I have to work hard and push through a lot of painful therapy twice a week, most likely through the end of February. 

Although overall it has not been that terribly painful for which I'm very, very thankful!

My arm is healing up very well and I'm also thankful for the many ways my family and others have helped me through this time.

It has truly been a blessing to see how God will take care of us no matter what happens!!!

Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you;

He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22 NKJV

Your farmer friend,

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