Wild Fish for Lent Event Begins on Saturday 2/22!

A Big Thank You

written by

John Filbrun

posted on

September 10, 2020

Hello friend,

Today I wanted to stop and take the opportunity to tell you thank you for making a big difference with the dollars that you spend on food.

1. You're making a difference in things that matter like the health of your family. You have chosen to feed them the cleanest nutrient dense food you can get your hands on.

2. You're making a difference for the ethics of how animals are raised and how our environment is cared for, when you support local regenerative farms like The Maker's Meadow.

3. You're making a difference in the local economy because you're no longer supporting factory farms and a broken food system that brings products in from far away places.

Remember the article I recently shared from Joel Salatin? Yeah, so you know what I mean by factory farms and a broken food system.

In 2018, we served you a little over 2000 pounds of clean healthy meat products.

In 2019, we served you a little over 5100 lb of clean healthy meat products.

In 2020, by the middle of September we have already served you over 5,800 lb of healthy meat products!!!

I think this is really amazing! That is almost 3 tons of clean healthy meat raised in your community and served on your tables congratulations!! 

And I really don't see any reason we cannot double what we did last year. We can provide you with 10,300 lb of good clean healthy meat by the end of 2020. Are you in?

I think the goal is very obtainable when I think about the harvest coming this fall. We have the exclusive Lamb Harvest offers coming up soon,  Thanksgiving turkeys, and Beef Harvest

Just think that would be over 5 tons of clean healthy food grown here in the local community! Sounds pretty amazing huh?

Thank you again for your support,

I really do appreciate you as a valued customer!

May God bless you for the difference you're making for your family and our food system!!

spend on food

health of your family

nutrient dense food

how animals are raised

regenerative farms

Joel Salatin

The Maker's Meadow

broken food system

More from the blog

Delighted Pigs on Pasture!

Watch the video and see how much the pigs enjoy being on pasture and eating things like dandelions. You can also read the the article from one of my mentors Joel Salatin.