The Second Guiding Principle Ecological / Environmental
Taking a look at how farming practices affect the Ecology of our Environment
Taking a look at how farming practices affect the Ecology of our Environment
A little deeper look at the Spiritual / Social Principal.
Core principles of why we do what we do.
This is a question that our customers and those seeking to find a source for 100% Grassfed and Grass-finished beef have asked us. So, I thought I'd take a few minutes to answer that question for how we keep our cattle and sheep happy and fed when it's the coldest outside. Watch this short video:
I wanted to share with you Three Good Reasons you'll be glad to have a pasture-raised turkey on your Thanksgiving table this year!
The beauty of working with nature and not getting frustrated with living on a sin cursed Earth!
Some of The Guiding principles we use for caring for our livestock. With a video short of loading cattle to go to the processor.
As consumers we have more of an influence on our food system then we realize.
Sometimes we need to slow down a little in life and take time to do what's important.