Fantastic Grass-Fed Meat Bundles Savings just for you! Stock up and fill your freezer. If you've never tried our products before, this would be the perfect opportunity to make one purchase and get multiple types of meat
This very popular 20 + lb. Chicken Bundle is your answer to making wonderful savory meals all year long! A Customer FAVORITE!!
Features 10 Premium Cut Steaks
Features 24 Premium Cut Steaks.
Premium Steaks, Patties and more...140 4oz Portions
280 4oz Portions of Delicious Grass-fed Beef
560 4oz Portions. Please read description. (products may vary from photo)
Whole Beef-280LB Bundle
10lb Bundle of delicious meal portions
18 lb Delicious variety bundle
45lb Delicious Berkshire variety bundle + 2 free 12oz pkgs. of Bacon🥓
1/2 Lamb 14 lb Bundle. That's over 56 (4 oz) meal portions!
Whole Lamb 28 lb Bundle.
This convenient sampler bundle features beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork! Limited Inventory - Buy Now!!
8 - 1 lb packages
10 - 1 lb packages
10 - 1 lb packages
10 - 1 lb packages
15 Pieces: 2 New Halibut!, 2lb Pkg of Large Shrimp, 5 Salmon Portions, 5 Cod Portions, 2 Pkgs of Salmon Candy
26 Pieces: 10 Salmon Portions, 10 Cod Portions, 6 Pkgs of Salmon Candy
8 10 -12 oz avg. / pkgs
8 Steaks 12-14oz each
8 Steaks 12-14oz each
4 pkgs 14 - 16 oz each